Active industry participation in the final discussions to define the R&D content. We brought forward the priorities from the first workshop 19-20 March for a final finetuning.

Published on 21.06-2013
Active industry participation in the final discussions to define the R&D content. We brought forward the priorities from the first workshop 19-20 March for a final finetuning.
Published on 21.06-2013
First workshop over two days with 55 participants from the oil companies and the six R&D partners (50/50 industry/R&D). Very good and efficient workshop to define the the R&D and innovation content in a good balance between plenary and break out sessions.
Published on 13.09-2012
The center was presented at a press conference at ONS 2012 chaired by County Governor and former R&D Minster Tora Aasland together with the management team from the six R&D partners.